Vesper, New iPhones, and Editing Fixes
Vesper 2.004 is on the App Store.
The two big changes are support for iPhone 6 and 6+ screens and editing fixes.
Supporting 6 and 6+ wasn’t much work. I had done most of this work before the iPhone announcements, and it was a matter of fixing the couple spots that assumed a 320-point-wide screen. The remaining thing to do was to add launch images for the 6 and 6+. Simple.
The editing fixes were a bigger deal. The first thing is that Apple fixed some bugs in UITextView in iOS 8. Because of those fixes, I was able right away to remove some of our many work-arounds, some of which were a bit heinous. I ended up removing all of our work-arounds and starting from scratch.
And I was pleased to find that we needed very few work-arounds — and small ones, well-contained and easy-to-understand, not like the previous work-arounds — to make editing of long notes much, much better. I’m very pleased, and I thank Apple for attending to this. It’s much appreciated.
At the same time, I also learned from a person-who-can’t-be-named a couple of things that seem to help with UITextViews.
Set allowsNonContiguousLayout to NO on the layout manager. It may be NO by default, but set it to NO anyway.
Avoid using contentInset — use textContainerInset instead.
So: not a huge release, but a very welcome one. Dealing with editing bugs has been a giant time-suck for me, and I’m so glad to finally get past that, and I think Vesper users will be pleased.