inessential by Brent Simmons

Why We Love Indies

What’s great about indies is that they can, and do, make human decisions that may upset people.

Large corporations may (and frequently do) upset people — but it’s rare that they do so out of a sense of ethics or morality. Quite the opposite.

So Marco says that keeping Peace on the App Store just doesn’t feel good. You may be upset by this.

But here’s the thing: we don’t love indies because they can do and say things that upset other people — we love indies because they can do and say things that upset anybody. Even you, even me.

You can see plain as day that there’s a human being there.

I have to admit, though, that I’m not upset, even though I was a Peace user. I stand up and applaud Marco’s courage and his decision.

* * *

Cabel Sasser said it better:

Agree or not, this is why small developers and individual voices are important. Big companies don’t—can’t—do this.