inessential by Brent Simmons

Vote for Democrats Everywhere

The president recently called himself a nationalist — and it’s no stretch at all to call him a white nationalist.

From before his campaign, to his remarks after coming down that escalator in Trump Tower, to everything he’s said and done since — including his recent drumming up of fear about refugees planning to seek asylum in the United States — he’s led the effort to ensure that America respects only white power.

This is antithetical to Western democracy, which is built on individual liberty and equal protection, which says that all adult citizens have the right to vote.

If Republicans in Congress had acted as a check on his power, if they had exercised oversight, then I could plausibly suggest voting for the best candidate in each race.

But that didn’t happen. Not even close. It’s been quite the opposite — Republican politicians have aided him at every conscience-shocking turn, and the Republican party has become the party of white nationalism.

I don’t agree with every position of the Democratic Party, and I certainly don’t agree with every position of the candidates available to me. But that’s always true.

What I know, though, is that a Democratic majority in at least one Congressional chamber would finally allow for checks on the president’s power. There would be oversight, at long last.

And we’d have the chance to preserve Western democracy in the United States, and stop this acceleration toward something dark and old and corrupt and dangerous.

Please vote. Please vote for Democrats.