inessential by Brent Simmons

December 1999


A holiday gift from UserLand -- hosting EditThisPage.Com sites created in 1999 indefinitely. This is an example of why I work for UserLand and wouldn't want to work anywhere else. Generosity is key.

I remembered last night that I actually have a shrink-wrapped copy of Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I wondered if it was easy to create a dual-boot machine, Windows and Linux, so I could have a Linux workstation that's purely for play. It turns out that OpenLinux comes with an actual manual (!), and according to the manual it's super-easy to set up a dual-boot machine. So I'm going to. I'll probably write up my experience here.

I'm so freakin' desperate for a decent browser on my Mac that I'm going to try Mozilla Milestone 12. Update: It may be the dogfood release, but it's not my dogfood, and I can't eat it. It's slow. Page up and page down buttons don't work. Etc. I'll try again when M13 comes out.


Kate Adams: "New morning ritual for me: Wake up, make coffee, and flip homepage."

isp.root makes it easy to host lots of Manila sites. I'm looking forward to seeing the first non-UserLand Manila ISP.

I just fixed automatic shortcuts for stories in Manila sites.

I need to make this site searchable before I actually start adding content to it. Luckily (perhaps), this is a general problem I'm facing -- lots of Manila users want to make their site searchable. This may (or may not) happen before the turn of the millennium.

Marc Richter: My Linux Journey from newbie to not such a newbie. Marc helped me via email -- now I have a clue about compiling postgres to get it installed on LinuxPPC.

Marc is a subscriber to UserLand's Linux-Newbies mailing list.

All I want for Christmas.

I like LinuxPPC very much -- my one Linux box is a LinuxPPC box, an old Mac 8500. But I wonder if Yellow Dog Linux might have been the better choice for servers. Check out the list of databases that come installed with Yellow Dog. Too late to change now -- but I have another Mac server I'm slowly working on "retiring" to Linux.

The original tagline for this site was "You don't need to be here."


Lots of Manila changes since the last update here. See the change notes.

I really hope to be able to spend a little more time with this site after New Year's. There's just way too much going on right now, between work and the upcoming holidays and the turn of the millennium.


New Manila feature -- Navigation Customization. I'm using it on this site, though just to make the navigation links plain text rather than bold. (I tried horizontal navigation links but it was hard to come up with a template I liked.)

Jason Levine's q weblog is the first site I found to take advantage of the new feature. Jason's doing a lot with appearance, and that's one of the top Manila priorities.


New Manila feature -- you can see your entire list of members, find out who's a member of your site and how many members your site has. Here's the (very short!) members list for this site.


We just added a new feature to Manila -- multiple news days on the home page. It's in use (obviously) on this site.

Just between you and me, I think this feature is stunning, one of the most powerful yet easy and fun features in Manila.

Lots more features to come...

"christmas tree"


It's a geek's Christmas! Since Frontier 6.1 shipped, now that I have a half-dozen minutes of spare time in a day, I ordered some new reading material which arrived today. O'Reilly books: sendmail, Linux in a Nutshell, and Perl in a Nutshell.

Dave Winer in Marcia Marcia Marcia (October 1996): "Whenever I ship I get a new keyboard and mouse. It improves my feelings about the computer tremendously. I type with authority. I click with real feeling!"