inessential by Brent Simmons


From Kip DeGraaf, a page on that may help in my quest to get symbols from WINE.

LinuxNewbies: The Linux Kernel: An OS In a Nutshell. This is the best Linux site in the world, a site I admire and enjoy without reservation. Don't miss the FAQ.

Because I get email, my email address is at the bottom of thousands of pages on UserLand.Com sites. Perhaps some of my readers are in similar situations -- you get the webmaster email for a large, popular site. Do you get a certain percentage of random email? I'm not going to reprint any, but I get stuff like, "For my doctor's dissertation I'm writing about JavaScript and object-oriented scripting. What are your thoughts on JavaScript syntax?" (This one's made up, but it's similar to actual emails.) Or: "I'm on _____ and I can't figure out how get email from _____?" Or: "I had a hard drive crash. What can I do to get my spreadsheets back?" (These are all made up, but similar to the actual emails I receive. You get the gist.) I don't reply, I just marvel at the syndrome itself. In a way, it's cool, people are expecting other people on the net to be helpful. But, golly.