inessential by Brent Simmons


Remember the home page caching feature for Manila that came out yesterday?

If you have a Manila site, please turn it on. It will make your site faster and will make the server it's running on run more smoothly.

It's not just good for your site, it's a way of being a good Web citizen.

The pref can be turned on via your Editorial prefs page.

More about cats and kittens on the discussion group. People love their cats. If you have one, it's easy to know why.

If you have a cat, please join in, either here or on your website -- I'd love to hear your stories.

My cat's a poet. He doesn't write, of course. But he does poetry-like things.

A good poem often has something unexpected in it but that, in retrospect, seems just right.

We were lying in bed this morning, our faces a couple inches apart. I reached out my hand to pat his head.

He reached out a paw and put it on my eye, on my eyelid. He held it there.

I finally moved his paw. Then he put it back.

In case you missed it last night, Sheila put up pictures of Papa.

He's a gray-tabby/Maine-coon mix, about 3 months old.

I spent a while this morning dealing with the latest goddamn virus.

Our mail server doesn't have a Nuke Enclosures setting. I wish it did.

It does have a setting for maximum incoming message size, which I set to 50K. That won't stop all virii, of course, but it will stop the giant attachments that get sent around. The denial-of-service issue is the big issue with us, since we don't open enclosures.

Email enclosures have to go the way of the dodo. Though they seem convenient, in reality they cost too much in productivity.

We need a new convenient way of sharing files. It should be easy enough for executives to use, but not too easy -- it needs to have some deliberateness and security.

Let me be clear: it's over for enclosures.

No more. Finished. Au 'voir, auf wiedersehen, good-bye enclosures.

Even my laptop, my iBook, is getting hits from the new IIS virus.

Goddamn it.