inessential by Brent Simmons

More NetNewsWire keyboard shortcuts

More NetNewsWire keyboard shortcuts...

You can expand and collapse in the subscriptions and Sites Drawer panes with these keys:

Expand: .
Collapse: ,
Expand all: '
Collapse all: ;

No cmd-key-modifiers, just the plain keys.

Another thing is arrow-key navigation:

You can go from the subscriptions to the headlines pane using the right-arrow. If no headlines are selected, the first headline will be selected.

When the headlines pane has focus, the right-arrow key opens the current headline in the browser. It’s the same as double-clicking on the headline or typing cmd-B.

When the headlines pane has focus, the left-arrow key goes back to the subscriptions pane.

That’s how I personally do my navigation: I use arrow keys and the space bar (for going to the next unread).