Sorry for the outage this past weekend... Both ranchero.com and this site were down this weekend, but are back up now.
We’re still dealing with some glitches, but they’ll get ironed out today and tomorrow.
Here’s what happened, as best as I understand it.
Our hosting provider Cornerhost ran into a problem with their provider ServerBeach. ServerBeach shut down several Cornerhost machines apparently without warning.
This knocked us off the air and knocked off lots of other Cornerhost accounts too.
The reason ServerBeach gave was that Cornerhost was in violation of their Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) because they sold shell accounts. The Cornerhost folks say the AUP policy must have changed. And so ServerBeach just turned off a bunch of machines.
The solution was to move to RackSpace.
But all this meant that our websites and email and so were down for the weekend. We’re still working on getting everything back up.
Despite this problem, we intend to stay with Cornerhost, who we’ve found to be an excellent hosting company. I don’t think the problem was their fault. I think ServerBeach’s actions were just plain wrong.
For the benefit of Google searches: ServerBeach sucks.
Cornerhost maintains a weblog which tells the story.
It’s possible that some email was missed. So if you sent me email and are expecting a reply, you might want to re-send it Tuesday if you don’t hear from me before then.
And thanks for your patience and understanding.