NetNewsWire 1.0.8b1: bug fixes, bandwidth
NetNewsWire 1.0.8b1, full and Lite versions, has been posted.
We’re hard at work on 1.1, which will have a bunch of new features—but 1.0.8 is just for fixing a few important bugs. (We don’t plan to make any changes in 1.0.8 beyond what’s described below.)
1. The most important change is what happens when you click on a feed-protocol URL. In previous versions, NetNewsWire would just subscribe to the specified feed. Now it prompts for confirmation. The reason for this is because, if you use a Mozilla-family browser (Mozilla, Camino, Firebird), there was a way for a website to subscribe you to a feed you didn’t ask to be subscribed to.
2. A small bug was fixed: you can now drag feed-protocol URLs into the Subscriptions pane and have it work.
3. NetNewsWire Lite gets a feature that before now was only in the full version—it caches feeds on disk between runs. Though we thought of this as a selling-point for the full version, we decided that the Lite version should have this feature too because it reduces the amount of bandwidth it uses.