MarsEdit Questions Answered
A few common questions about MarsEdit have come up since the public beta...
Why can’t I set titles for Blogger posts?
Unfortunately, the Blogger API doesn’t support titles, even though you can enter titles through Blogger’s web interface.
On the bright side, once we add support for the Atom editing API, then it should be possible to use titles with Blogger posts.
When will MarsEdit support the Atom editing API?
It won’t happen for 1.0—for 1.0 the plan is to fix bugs and add polish, but not make any big changes from what you see now.
But support for the Atom editing API is a huge priority for after 1.0.
How come I can’t upload images to my WordPress weblog?
Once the WordPress folks add support for the image-uploading part of the MetaWeblog API, it will work. (They’re a hard-working bunch: I expect it won’t take long.)
How do I set a category in Blosxom?
You’ll need to add the category popup menu to the toolbar. With a document window in front, choose Customize Toolbar from the View menu, and drag the category popup menu into the toolbar. Then you’ll be able to set categories.
How do I use MarsEdit with my web browser?
From the MarsEdit menu, choose Install Bookmarklet. You’ll then be able to send a page from your browser to MarsEdit in much the way you can send news items from your newsreader.
When will you add _______?
It’s hard to say—so I think I’ll distract you by saying, “Hey, did you notice the Edit with BBEdit and Edit with SubEthaEdit commands in the File menu?”