Never made a slide show before
Somehow I made it to the advanced age of __ without ever having made a slide show. I’ve never actually used PowerPoint or anything like that.
I just installed Keynote so I can create slides for my presentation at the OS X conference.
I’ve seen a bunch of slide show presentations, and I’ve sometimes thought, “Hey, I could do better than this.†But now I have to actually do it.
The topic is embedded HTML/browsing and the user interface challenges it brings up. Some of it comes from the experience I had bringing browsing to NetNewsWire, but it will also look at other apps (other newsreaders, iTunes Music Store, mail apps, weblog editors, text editors, and so on).
(Ironically, my favorite example of embedded HTML is Mailsmith. It just doesn’t do it. And that’s one of the big reasons I use it. For me, it’s 99% true that if it’s HTML email, it’s spam. That won’t be true for everybody, of course.)
If you have any comments—such as that you love SubEthaEdit’s HTML preview because x or you think NetNewsWire’s browser would be better if y or you wish the iTunes Music Store also did z—I’d love to hear about it. Put on your user interface hat.
To be clear, the topic is not browsers, it’s everything that displays HTML except for browsers.