Audio of How To Run Your Own Software Business presentation
Niall Kennedy posted an audio file of the How to Run your Own Software Business panel at the OS X conference.
When talking about getting started as an OS X developer, certain subjects often get more time than they need: dealing with piracy and legal issues get an unrepresentative amount of time. (Maybe because these are easy to talk about?) If you’re a developer, you spend more time working on your software than you do anything else. Then there are other very important issues such as customer support, marketing, figuring out pricing, building a website, and so on.
If worrying that your software will get cracked prevents you from taking the plunge, don’t worry. Your software will get cracked. But you can have a successful business anyway.
(If your software doesn’t get cracked, then that’s probably something to worry about. It means you either spent way too much time making it uncrackable—or it wasn’t interesting enough to crack.)
A panel is too short to talk about everything, so (when I have time) I’ll elaborate on some of what was said and mention some things that didn’t get covered.