inessential by Brent Simmons

WWDC coming soon

See you at WWDC?

You might imagine that I’ll be ranting and raving about UI issues—but, actually, I won’t be. I’ve got it all out of my system. (I wanted to get it out my system before WWDC.)

Speculating about WWDC...

There may be some cool, interesting announcements—and, then again, there may not be. I have absolutely no inside knowledge. Part of me hopes that the focus will be on fixing bugs, adding polish, fleshing out the APIs that need it, rather than big new features.

I’d love to see awesome new hardware, come to think of it. An iPod phone would be sweet, I suppose. A tablet Mac, sure, cool. But more than anything I’d love to see a big speed boost in the desktop line. Fast computers are cool, but super-fast computers are super-cool.