inessential by Brent Simmons


Last night I had the pleasure of having dinner with a couple folks from Joyent. I missed their demo earlier, but had already checked out the demos on their website: their software looks pretty cool.

I had dinner with David Young and John Gruber—who you know as the author of Daring Fireball. Here’s John: Introducing Joyent.

(John lives in Philadelphia, and I can hear it in his voice. For me it’s the sound of my childhood home: I grew up outside Newark, Delaware, and have family all around southeastern PA, south Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland’s eastern shore. I think about TastyKakes every day, but we don’t have them in Seattle. [In case you’re wondering, I will admit, doubly parenthetically, that every weblog post I write could eventually turn into a post about TastyKakes.])

So... check out Joyent. Also note that Bryan Bell works for them: you may recognize the feel of things from Bryan’s other work—and Bryan keeps getting better. (I was saying just last night that Bryan’s going to be a star. If he isn’t already.)