inessential by Brent Simmons

February 2006

Daniel and family

My heart goes out to Daniel Steinberg and his family on the loss of his daughter. Daniel is writing about it: Dear Elena.

In case you don’t know Daniel: he’s one of the great guys of the development world—smart and generous. My thoughts and sympathies are with him and his family.

New digs

One of the odd things about working remotely is that when things change in the home office, you read about it in weblogs!

Just a few days ago NewsGator moved to bigger, nicer offices—and I haven’t seen them yet. A couple of my co-workers have posted pictures of the view, though, which is cool.

John Carmichael: Another Milestone at NewsGator
Gordon Weakliem: Room with a view

Click some button or other

Screenshot of a weird mistake in a dialog: it says 'Click Finish to save these settings and exit the Account Wizard' -- but there is no Finish button. Instead there's a Done buton.

It just struck me as funny at the time. ;)

I won’t name the app, since I didn’t post this to be critical—I just liked how straightforward is the error. (Most errors aren’t so straightforward.)

RSS Advisory Board Goes Public

Rogers Cadenhead:

A new era begins today for the RSS Advisory Board, an independent organization formed in 2003 that publishes the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) specification, helps developers create RSS applications and broadens public understanding of the format.

The board is taking on eight new members: Meg Hourihan, Loïc Le Meur, Eric Lunt, Ross Mayfield, Jenny Levine, Randy Charles Morin, Greg Reinacker and Dave Sifry.

I’m glad to see this happen. I was on the first iteration of this board, along with Dave Winer and Jon Udell. A larger board is probably a good idea.

(Note that Greg Reinacker, one of the new board members, is the founder and CTO of NewsGator, where I work.)

(Fans of Mac Developer Extreme Trivia(tm) will recall that I did technical editing on Rogers’ book Radio UserLand Kick Start. (The only time I ever did technical editing on a book.))