inessential by Brent Simmons

June 2007

The Clichés are Having a Ball

Umberto Eco on Casablanca: “When the choice of the tried and true is limited, the result is a trite or mass-produced film, or simply kitsch. But when the tried and true repertoire is used wholesale, the result is an architecture like Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. There is a sense of dizziness, a stroke of brilliance.”

CocoaHeads is Tonight

Theocacao: “CocoaHeads Silicon Valley will be meeting at the Apple Store in Downtown SF (Stockton street) tonight from 7pm to 9pm. The topic is ‘Going Indie,’ and we have a number of special guests. Daniel Jalkut, Gus Mueller, and Wil Shipley will be presenting, and Brent Simmons will join us for Q&A after.”

Not coordinated, nope

People have asked if Daniel Jalkut and I coordinated the simultaneous releases of MarsEdit 1.2 and NetNewsWire 3.0. We didn’t, even though we do often exchange email.

Sheila said to me that it must have made me feel good to see both apps come out on the same day, that I must feel like I did the right thing with MarsEdit. Yep—she’s absolutely right.