Post 360 iDev
I had a great time at the 360 iDev iPhone/iPad conference earlier this week. My thanks to John, Nicole, and Tom — and to all the speakers and sponsors and attendees. It was easily the best one yet.
I don’t think the next one has been announced — but pay attention for it. Totally worth going.
Some random notes from the last few days:
Double Encore acquired Massively Overrated. A great fit. Very cool news. Congrats to all!
Zeni Restaurant is very, very yummy. Ethiopian food.
Trials is a good bar — except that last call is at 11:30. 11:30? My attorney advises me that that contravenes the Geneva Convention. We’re investigating our options under international law.
Fastmac has an impact-resistant iPad case coming out. (Maybe it’s out? Not sure.) They did a demo by putting M&M’s in there and smashing it with a hammer. Didn’t hurt the candy. Magic case for magic device.
Beards may be the key to winning at sumo wrestling. (Also, bare feet instead of socks, for better traction.) (And: sumo wrestling is high-larry-us.)
Collin Donnell is the world’s sexiest programmer. I know this because his Twitter bio says so. He hasn’t figured out if I’m teasing him — or flirting with him. So, yes, the poor fella has several months of deeply unsettling dreams to look forward to. (He’s a rocket man, by the way.)
I put up my Keynote slides on under-the-hood stuff for content apps.
I’m totally looking forward to Rana June Sobhany’s book.
At some point a video of me singing Under the Bridge (playing Rock Band) may appear — which will be proof absolute that I shouldn’t be allowed near microphones. Or cameras. Especially not video cameras. (In my defense, I’d had enough beers to be awful, but not enough to be good.)
Faisal Jawdat turned me on to Cat Paint, which may be the greatest iPhone app ever.
Brad Ellis (who designed Postage, SnoGlobe, NetNewsWire/iPad, etc.), has insane alien hands. Maybe that’s normal for designers, being from outer space?