How We Use Glassboard for Work
Last week was WWDC, which I missed this year — which meant that I was home working on Glassboard while my friends at the conference were using the app to figure out where to eat lunch and which parties to attend.
I had fun watching. I could live vicariously while I was otherwise just working. (Shields! No, Chieftain!)
While Glassboard is useful for conferences — huge thanks to everyone who gave it a go at WWDC! — it’s even more useful for day-to-day work. We’ve been using it inside Sepia Labs for over a year now, since the very first moment it was usable at all. We use Glassboard to make Glassboard.
We’ve found that the social-networking-like model — messages, comments, pictures, videos, likes, shared files, locations — works great for work, for getting things done as a team.
We hardly use email at all any more. (Especially now that there’s a web app. It may still be in beta, but it works.)
Jenny posted a thing to the Glassboard blog (that I had written on a Glassboard board) with some more details about how we use it for work. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on Twitter or on the inessential board in Glassboard. (Invitation code: rovhy.)