Pukka Sunset
Justin Miller has retired Pukka. Good app.
Justin Miller has retired Pukka. Good app.
We’re getting better at this podcast thing. In episode two we talk about user experience again.
Because what else is there?
I keep noticing a bug where in some cases Safari will not display a link. I’m not sure when it started, but it’s not new with OS X 10.8.1.
I’ve seen it on this site before.
You can see it in action right now on another site — go to Andrew Sullivan’s weblog. Find the phrase “Christopher Matthews if the Fed will act:” — there’s a missing word and a missing link.
(That’s not the only example on the page.)
Guess it’s time to figure out a reproducible case and file a bug report.
Update 11:20 am Sep. 8, 2012: I could reproduce the bug on two machines. Neither of those machines use any Safari extensions — but they do use a custom style sheet I created for blocking ads. (At least I think I created it. I’m not positive.)
That style sheet had a line like this:
This prevented links that include the text “feedburner” from displaying. Normally this would be okay, except that so many links that come from news readers include ?utm_source=feedburner
. So I commented-out that line.
(In case you want to look at my CSS file, it’s here.)
My co-worker Nick Bradbury talks about beta-testing Glassboard for Android using using in-app updates.
River.js represents a collection of news items aggregated from (usually) different feeds.