First Week Notes
It’s not Russian Roulette when there’s a bullet in every chamber — it’s just Russian.
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It should be clear by now that Democrats in Congress should resist every single thing Trump attempts. Every nominee. Every law. Every single thing. Do not collaborate.
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The next thing might be a “Religious Freedom” executive order that permits anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
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Things move fast. History:
Jan 30, 1933: Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
Feb 27, 1933: Reichstag fire.
Mar 23, 1933: Enabling Act, which establishes the dictatorship.
Things move faster these days, seems like. The question is: what will be the equivalent of the Reichstag Fire?
It has to be an emergency where Trump can claim “temporary” expanded powers.
Would massive, continuous protests be enough? Quite possibly. (Which is not an argument against protests. I’m quite definitely in favor of protests.)
But don’t be surprised when those powers end protest, free speech, and the free press, in the name of national security and order.
You might think Trump isn’t historically aware enough to know the would-be dictator’s playbook. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. I don’t know.
But Bannon is.