inessential by Brent Simmons

I’ll actually be attending the Xcoders meeting tomorrow — not just the after-hours thing. I’m making an effort. It’s a new year. Why not?

What’s cool is a talk from Sean McNeil on ReactiveSwift. I’ve been personally skeptical about React-style frameworks on Mac and iOS, because experience, and the wisdom of others with experience, tells me that the further you get from Apple’s frameworks the less your app will feel like a native app.

The best advice has always been “Don’t fight the frameworks!”

But still — this is something I should learn about rather than just dismiss it. So I will.

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Despite my skepticism about React for Mac and iOS apps, I have pretty strong feelings about things I think React folks would agree with: minimize state, for instance. Use immutable objects and structs. Don’t share memory across threads (queues). (NetNewsWire’s coding guidelines goes into more detail.)