Impostor Syndrome
In the introductory episode of the Xcoders podcast last night, Liz and Jared talked a little bit about impostor syndrome.
I don’t have anything profound to say about it — just a few random notes…
There’s no developer bit in anyone’s DNA. I don’t have that bit — nobody does. There’s no such thing, and there’s no collection of genes that make you a real developer, either.
You don’t have to have a CS degree. (I didn’t even own a computer when I was in college. And I didn’t graduate.)
If you’re working on an app, you’re a developer. Period. Even if it’s not a stand-alone app; even if it’s some scripts. You’re solving a problem on a computer with logic and code — that makes you a developer. That’s all it takes!
Impostor syndrome goes away eventually. You just forget about it. The fastest way to get past it is probably to help other people.
It’s okay to admit that you have it. It’s been many years, but I had it too. :)