inessential by Brent Simmons

NetNewsWire Public Beta

NetNewsWire for Mac icon: globe with a satellite in the foreground.

NetNewsWire has reached public beta! It only took like five years. :)

Our definition of beta is release candidate. With each beta release, we believe that the app is ready to ship. But we want to do further testing to make sure.

NetNewsWire has a Help Book up on the web now. It needs a couple more pages and some screenshots, but it’s pretty close to finished.

We’ve picked a ship date: Monday, August 26. If we find enough bugs, we won’t hit the ship date. That’s fine — but we’d really like to hit that date.

We’re working from the 5.0 Release milestone now. (The alpha and beta milestones have been closed.) You’ll note that most of what remains are bugs for the marketing site.

P.S. We’ve found a bug already with showing the unread count for the selected item. We’ll get it fixed, hopefully this week, and do another public beta release.