Overwhelmed in a Good Way
I have never in my life had as many people getting in touch with me than over the past 24 hours. (I’m way behind on answering email and Twitter DMs.)
Many are messages of support, which I cherish and thank you for.
There are also people asking if I might be interested in working with them — which is awesome. I have an open mind, and all kinds of different work sound interesting to me.
I do have three requirements:
- I’m going to stay in Seattle
- I’m going to continue to work on NetNewsWire
- I’m going to continue blogging here
I could work in an office again (once that kind of thing is possible again). Or not. I could do coding. Or writing. Or marketing or managing or designing. I could work on iOS or Mac apps. I could do something cloud-related. Good work is interesting, and I’m not stuck on any one particular type of work.
But the things that make me me won’t change. I’m a Seattle guy who blogs and writes an open source RSS reader.
* * *
Have I said how lucky I am? I am amazingly lucky and fortunate. There are plenty of people to worry about during the current crisis. I’m not one of those people.